Sunday, July 14, 2013

What's in Store(s), the Grocery Store

Someone asked me about shopping in the UAE. We have mega stores, that look like HEB Superstores or Wal-mart on crack if you aren't familiar with HEB (It is a Central Texas thing). 
The prices are varied, in that some are higher and some are lower. Let's have a mini-maths lesson. I know, you think I have a typo with a -s on the end of math, but no, that is the Brits way of saying math... get over it, I did. 
For every dirham you spend, it is like spending roughly 27 cents. so 10 dirhams or AED for short, are about $2.70 USD. 100 AED is 27 USD, etc. 
So these pine nuts, from Turkey by Gyma are  30.75 AED. In my head I know that is about 7.50 USD if I count 2.50 USD for each 10AED. 
By the way, this is a very popular brand and they carry all kinds of spices, seeds and nuts. I like things from Turkey personally and pine nuts are readily available and good in many local dishes. 

 However if you prefer to buy in bulk, they have a place for that at the local Lulu's. (Where all these pictures were taken)

It is the first few days of Ramadan, which is a very important time of fasting, praying, giving of gifts and forgiveness. It is a great concept, somewhat like the idea of Christmas but not for the birth of someone. Dates are everywhere here, and here is a special kiosk just for Ramadan. A little local flavor I thought I would throw in. 

If you like different flavor syrups in your coffee, you have come to the right place. My favorite is chocolate chip cookie, or something like that but you can tell they are not in-expensive. 

The other day I posted some pictures on a Facebook page and someone pointed out that it is cheaper to use local brands instead of the name brand imports from the states. This is true, but many of your name brands are produced more locally than you think and are not imports from the USA unless they have a sticker on them stating so... in Arabic of course. 
Here is a few samples of the cleaning supplies aisle. 

 One reader asked specifically about two items, and I looked while I was out today. One was an apricot facial scrub and 
One was asking if Nivea was available here... uhhh 

yeah, it is 
Which brings me to the check out aisle. By the way, the Nivea was about 10 or 12 AED for the cream. 
Look familiar? 

These are my purchases for today. Cashews for a snack, cheese for some potato concoction I am trying along with sour cream. The Skyflake crackers are the closest thing to a Zesta Saltine I have found here and I like them very much. The green goodies in the front are something a friend turned me on to,and they are like a chocolatey-mint crispy cookie wafer thing.... heaven in a wrapper. Not too far from a Thin Mint. 


  1. It is a comfort to hear that shopping is not a hassle- unless you are bad at math(s). I dislike the added s but guess I have to get over myself! Haha! Thanks again Cindy for great info...

  2. Thanks for all the pic, Cindy! They make things less scary! Now I need to ask a brand specific question because I make my son's laundry detergent (so he won't break out). Do they carry Borax, Arm&Hammer's Washing Soda (not baking soda) and Fels Naptha (it looks like a soap bar)? All of these items are sold in the laundry aisle here in the U.S.
