Thursday, July 11, 2013

Come Fly With Me

As a late bloomer, my first airplane experience was when I was in my late twenties and it was a 45 minute jaunt from Amarillo, Texas to Dallas, Texas aboard a Southwest Airlines flight. 
Since then I have flown across the world and back on many different airlines and to me, they are all fit into two categories:
Decent and Bad. 

It is all about the experience. 

When I first flew into the future on a flight of 18+ hours, I tried to make sure I would be entertained and comfortable. I still do the same and about the same way. 

Here are my tips for the flight. 


reading material
game - mine is an electronic game, yours might be a crossword puzzle, something to take your thoughts and time away from where you are, or the bloke next to you. 
noise reduction earphones - best investment ever.... keeps out all the stuff that hurts my ears and gives me an excellent movie listening experience. 
comfy shoes and good socks and/or slippers
a light blanket, of your own, that you can roll up for your head or cover up with.
comfy layers of clothes- for if the plane is hot or cold,  or if you are hot or cold, or, then again, to cover up your head if the bloke next to you insists on having the light on when you want to sleep. 


Long flight suggestions include compression socks to keep your circulation going. It is a good idea, especially if you are over 45 or so, but I have to admit, I haven't worn them. I do get up and walk to the restroom every couple of hours and I did have them with me on my first flight over. 


Drink water for a day before you go, stay hydrated on the plane, drink water, not soft drinks. Add a little juice if it sounds good, but go back to the water, drink it every time you get up and every time they walk by with it. 

Take your own snacks for when you get antsy for just a little something to eat (plan ahead, don't pay the outrageous prices for them at the airport). 

If you take your shoes off to sleep, put them back on when you wake up. Your feet will swell and shoes will not be comfy if you wait too long to put them back on. 

Watch the movies, visit with the person next to you, sleep as much as you can, the time goes faster. 

Try not to strangle the guy in front of you that puts his seat all the way back for the entire flight. Just make sure when you get up, you use the back of his seat for leverage to stand. Either he will get the hint and move his seat or you will irk him as much or more than he irked you. 

Have a safe flight... have a drink of water... sweet dreams and arrive relaxed and ready for the next adventure. 

1 comment:

  1. For future travel: are there some airlines you suggest over others?
