Monday, July 22, 2013

Dialing It Up

First of all, a HUGE Thank You to all of you who are reading and giving positive feedback. 
Your requests for certain topics you would like to read more about are very welcome. However, you need to be aware that there is not freedom of speech here, written or spoken. Things have to be seen through rose colored glasses. 
There has been a recent incident in Dubai taking to the headlines of Yahoo about a Norwegian  woman and her being jailed instead of the man who she says raped her. Just google it. 
I would link it but the link will not stay a working link I suspect, after the story dies down. I think her story came out due to her nationality and the fact she had been working in Doha, and not the UAE. 
So, on the subject of safety. Like drinking and driving, things here don't mix. If you are going to drink, have a license. If you are going to drive, don't drink. If you are going to socialize and hope to meet someone, don't drink. If you are drinking, don't put your self in a difficult and possibly dangerous situation. 
Having sex out of wedlock is against the law. Drinking without a license is against the law. 

Now think about Prohibition in the '30's.... exactly. 
Now, even though I do try to see things through rose colored glasses, I don't want you to think things here are perfect. Everyone has their trials and tribulations. Your life will never be the same, and yes,  I know how silly that sounds. 
My friends told them the same thing before I came here. 
They were absolutely right. I see many things very differently and am glad I have had the chance to see things I could change about myself and how I "view" things. 
Common sense and patience are the best allies you can have here. Use them wisely and don't expect to find them in others. 
Some show this adventure as pure "play" and at school, that is exactly what I try to do. However, after school, keeping things on the DL is the best way to go. 
Now, give me some easier subjects to address. 


  1. Very wise words. I have read quite a few articles on the Norwegian incident and I have come away with exactly what you have mentioned. We will be getting our license but don't intend on drinking a lot. We will save that for vacations! Could you write a blog on a "typical" day at school, things that might prepare us for the actual teaching side of life. I am feeling anxious, but then I always feel anxious before the first day of school....even after 10 years in the classroom! Thank you!

  2. Ha! Well said! Can't wait to meet you Cindy!

  3. MY supportive hubby became very concerned after this incident. I explained to him about the liquor license and customs over in UAE. I don't drink very much, mostly limited to wine with dinner or at home, and am definitely not a party girl so that should not be a problem.
    I agree with you- know the laws and customs and be respectful. Remember you are not in the US!
