Saturday, July 13, 2013

I CAN Attest to the Paper trail and Photo-Op

You are about to enter a country that likes to have a paper trail and things are officially stamped and signed before they are "officially official". 
Not an invisible, you know it's there, but you don't see it, paper trail. 
A real, do you have that paper in your hot little hand and can show it to the person in charge(?) paper trail. 
Bring your attested papers in a special neon colored something-or-other (folder, book, envelope), have it scanned and on a hard drive of your laptop and put it on a flash drive. Make copies and make copies of your copies you can whip out at a moment's notice. I brought 20 and I wish I had more. Even after you are settled here you will wish you HAD made more copies. Because whipping out the original, scanning or simply printing another one uses up precious (yes, it is here) ink that you wish you had for other things your classroom needs. 
Bring a good camera. If you have one, great, if you don't, please don't buy a pricey one. You will want to have a camera to take pictures of any and all important visitors you have to your classroom. Sometimes It is always good to have a camera to document the wonderful teaching you are doing in your classroom. Nearly everyone has a camera on their phone but if you buy the cheap burner phone until you get your bearings or know you are going to stay, you may wish you had a camera. If you are teaching KG or cycle 1, there is a technology expectation of the students being able to use a digital camera. 
I have two here, and I have let students use them to take pictures while I am teaching. This is when it is good to have a few extra memory cards. Plus, you will be wanting to take pictures of all those lovely experiences you have when you arrive. 

Somehow, your proof is in the pudding. If you can produce an official page or a picture, it is better evidence than your notes or spoken word. 
Your attested paperwork that you took all the time and effort to have prepared in the prescribed manner will need to be shown, again and readily on hand. You might not get it out for another year, but know where you put it last and it will save you some angst and stress in the long run. 

Oh and passport photos. I brought 10, I have 1 left and I had to whip another one out just two months ago. I might get some more taken while I am home. You can get them done here too, but so much easier to not have to worry about them. 

So... to go back to the "stamped and signed" comment. If you take a day off because you are sick, you have to have an "official" note from the dr. office to take a sick day. If they have the "new system" up and running, it is easy peasy. They fill out the paperwork, hand you a printed and stamped form, you scan it and enter it into the ERP system on the website (ERP? I don't know what it stands for, maybe Electronic Reporting Program? ... someone else will know, I don't fret over such trivial-ness). Then it goes for approval to your principal and then two others before you are granted the day. Sounds a bit hairy, but it isn't really. 
If you aren't lucky, you have to take your paper to the health authority to have it stamped after you have been to the dr. office, then scan and upload. 
So when I say things are paper trails driven, you have an idea of what I meant. 
You will get a taste of the idea of the camera  use from the very beginning I think, but to give you my personal experience... a short story. 
At the very end of the year this year, I went to my school to give the Arabic speaking teachers (all Egyptian, except one) a small gift to "remember" me by. They wanted to know all about my new school, where it was, what it looked like, how nice it was etc. They think that Delma is behind the schools in Abu Dhabi and the schools are nicer than our school is, which is not the case, it is a school by school case. Some are newer, some are bigger, some are older, some are not as pretty, etc. 
I explained it was nice, the outdoor patio area was enclosed and made a part of the classroom so the rooms were big. 
Then.... dun dun dunnnnn ... one of them asked the magic question ... 

"Pictures? Miss Cindy, you have pictures?" 

Uh, no I didn't take any pictures

"No pictures Miss Cindy? You like taking pictures..." one of them said, with a befuddled look on her face... and then my main co-teacher said to them

"Portfolio, she takes pictures for portfolio". 

She gets it. I document for my professional portfolio. 
I also take other pictures for pleasure, but no, I didn't think to take pictures of my new school to show them. 
They take pictures in every meeting to document the meeting and they get the sign in sheet stamped and signed and make copies of it... for... their official paper trail, the professional portfolio. 

What is in the portfolio? oh don't worry your pretty little head about that right now. Your plate is full. It will come in time. It may be a dinosaur and extinct before you would have to worry about it. 
Schway Schway, slowly, slowly... 


  1. groan....I guess I better get better at organizing....I HATE paperwork.....thanks for the post. Downloading new attitude now. :)

  2. I am great at paperwork. Not so much at taking pictures-of myself. Guess I need to get more taken!

  3. if I can find my camera (moved out of my 3-BR house) - I know I have it somewhere!!! LoL ;-)

  4. Lol~ ^^^^ ;-) I love this posts & every1s comments! Thanks for the info!
